
Troops 618 and 5618 are Scout-Led Troops, located in Beaverton, Oregon. We are part of the Pacific Trail District of the Cascade Pacific Council of the Boy Scouts of America.

Meeting Times: Monday nights, from 7:00 - 8:30 PM. 
Meeting Location: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 14175 NW Cornell Rd, Beaverton, OR 97229      

Join Troop 618/5618     Contact Us   

(See the Crew618 page for more contact info about Crew)

Our strength comes from the youth leaders, active Scoutmaster Team, effective Troop Committee, and participating parents. Our sponsoring organization is the fantastic community of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church. 

Troop 618 & 5618 are a mix of older experienced scouts (Life and Eagle rank), new scouts (Scout through Second Class rank), and proficient scouts (First Class and Star ranks).  

Troop 618 has about 50 active members and Troop 5618 has about 30.

The troop meets every week year-round (with some exceptions to holidays and spring and winter break, as noted on our calendar) and camps every month, along with a week-long summer camp experience. The varied program delights younger scouts and challenges older scouts.

Why join Troop 618 or 5618?

Have fun:

  • Experiencing the Outdoors with fellow scouts
  • Develop Self-confidence, Self-reliance
  • Learn Teamwork, Leadership, and Responsibility

What do the troops do?

  • Weekly meetings
  • Monthly campouts
  • Service to the community
  • Patrol meetings once a month

Youth learn Scouting values while developing their leadership skills.  They also learn life skills such as cooking, shelter-building, and organization. 

 Some Of Our Recent Adventures

  •   Building and sleeping in our own snow shelters!
  •   Snow tubing and sleeping at a winter lodge.
  •   Horseback riding at Butte Creek.
  •   Archery at Camp Cooper. 
  •   Teaching Cub Scouts how to make Monkey bread.
  •   Backpacking near Mt. St. Helens and visiting Ape caves.
  •   Older scouts visiting Philmont scout ranch.
  •   Enjoying a week-long summer camp.
  •   Backpacking and hiking at Potato Butte.
  •   Joining hundreds of other scouts for fun at the District Camporee.
  •   Enjoying good times on our annual Family Campout.

Can parents come along for the fun?

Sure! Scouts with involved and supportive parents get the most out of Scouting. Troop 618 has a great group of active adults providing support for the troop. We welcome parents to join us!

Who can join?

Youth who are age 11 and up, but not yet 18, can join Scouts BSA. Youth who are in 5th grade and have earned the Arrow of Light award in Cub Scouts can join at age 10 ½.

Contact Troop 618 (boys) and Troop 5618 (girls) at:  [email protected]

How to join:

Come to one of our troop meetings, and we will give you all of the information you need. Please check with us before you visit, because sometimes our adventures take us to other places.